
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Viola "Vyla" Prudence Vaughan Sproul Clifton Brandenburg.

There are histories and stories that can be found just in names, and my Great Aunt Vyla's full name is proof of that.

Great Aunt Vyla is one of the lucky ones because I've been able to trace all of her names. [Even though I'm pretty sure she was doing all that marrying and name-changing just to try to trip me up.]

Viola Prudence Vaughan's Baptismal Registry Entry.

Here's where I found the various forms of her names:

  • Vyla ~ I found her nickname in census records and from a letter she wrote vouching for her niece's [my Gran's] identity attached to her passport application on I'd also heard it in family lore.
  • Viola ~ On her baptismal record and her death certificate.
  • Clifton ~ Heard it in family lore and it was the surname she used in her letter she wrote vouching for her niece's [my Gran's] identity.
  • Sproul ~ I found this surname for her in census records, both of her daughters used the surname in census records as well as their wedding announcements found in San Antonio, Texas newspapers.
  • Brandenburg ~ This is the surname listed on her death certificate.

English: St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica, Archdi...
English: St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica, Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston, in Galveston, Texas, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Then about one or two months ago, a distant cousin of mine stumbled across this blog and contacted me. He's a descendant of Great Aunt Vyla's and he confirmed all of her names listed above.

And he wanted to swap info with me.

And he told me that he and his wife lived in Alabama but that they'd be coming to Houston, Texas in October of this year for the big quilt show. And that they wanted to meet me.

And that they were also planning to run over to San Antonio, Texas [about 3 hours from Houston] to take tombstone photos. And they asked me if I knew where Daniel and Annie were buried.

[And, no, this is not the cousin I recently met here in Houston. That's a different one. It's like my summer is raining cousins, no?]

I replied that, yes, I was pretty sure where they were buried. [It's a long story for another time. [And sooner rather than later because it's Daniel's paternal and maternal lines who are the Loyalist and Patriot lines, respectively.]

And? I had just received Great Aunt Vyla's baptismal record in the mail along with my great-grandmother's baptismal record as well as that of their siblings who had also been baptized on Galveston Island.

Bolivar Ferry at Sunset 1219091727A
Bolivar Ferry at Sunset 1219091727A (Photo credit: Patrick Feller)
Indeed, Viola Prudence Vaughan was born to Daniel R. Vaughan and Annie O'Brien 23 Jul 1883 and was baptized by Father J.K. Crowley 27 Sep 1883 at St. Mary's Cathedral on Galveston Island.

I've no clue as to where Annie came up with the name Viola, but the name Prudence probably came from Daniel's older sister Prudence. [I'm clever like that.] Surprisingly, her name didn't come from her baptismal sponsor, Emily Eves.

But? Another baby girl was born to Daniel and Annie, and it's a wonderful reason to celebrate.

Another momentous ferry ride from Bolivar Point to Galveston Island, Texas.

Another joyful trip to Galveston Island and this time to St. Mary's Cathedral for Viola's first of seven sacraments.

Tears mixed with smiles is anyone's guess.

But a reason to rejoice in the family!


And certainly now.


Note: I'm in the process of getting all my records together in order to apply for membership into the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as the United Empire Loyalists. At the same time. With the same line. [Scandulous, I know.] And I've blogged about this quest previously. Also, when I ordered my great grandmother's baptismal record from the Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Archives, the awesome archivist sent me my great grandmother's records as well. [At least, the ones who had been baptized in the same diocese.] Therefore, I've been blogging about their records and the resulting stories: James Cornel, Henry Lewis, and Genevieve, and now Viola Prudence. Finally, next up is my Great Grandmother Alice Florence (Vaughan) Truitt, whose record is the one I needed in the first place. The genea-powers-that-be were quite generous, oui?

St. Mary's Cathedaral (Galveston, Galveston County, Texas). Baptismal Registers. Roman Catholic Church Archdiocese og Galveston-Houston, Texas.
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  1. I do get a kick out of your stories --- and Viola steps right into line with a good story.

  2. Thanks, Joan! It was a huge ah-ha! moment when I linked in my mind the stories I remembered about Vyla Clifton, my Gran's 'neighbor', to Viola Prudence (Vaughan} Sproul Clifton Brandenburg. In fact, I was so proud of my find that I took the rest of the day off. LOL.

    And thanks for stopping by, Joan!



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