
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I knew it, Genevieve.

Jane or Joanna Lennon Vaughan, one of my great-grandmother's [Alice Florence Vaughan's] younger sisters, was born 2 Dec 1884 on Bolivar Point and baptized a ferry ride away  at St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Galveston Island, Texas, 2 Apr 1888 by Father V. Gurry [sp].

And so was Genevieve Lennon Vaughan and to the same parents ~ Daniel and Annie (O'Brien) Vaughan.

How? Why? Were they twins?

Genevieve's Baptismal Register Entry

No. They're the same person. It's just that for whatever reason [Probably just to mess with my mind.], they called Jane or Joanna Lennon Vaughan by the name "Genevieve." [Joanna is the name given in the handwritten registry. However, Jane is the name used for indexing purposes.]

When I had traced the family through the census records and when I'd found her daughter's wedding announcements in the San Antonio newspapers, I had thought the name Genevieve was a little odd for this family. And then when I found Genevieve had married a man by the name of Claiborne Leander Bouquet, I thought to myself, "Hm. What a coincidence."

I mean, she had a French-y kinda name and then she ended up marrying a man with a French-y kinda name. [Ends up his paternal grandfather had been French-born. No surprise there.]

Just thought it was note-worthy that 2 non-French-y people ~ 1 of which was Irish-born ~ named  only one of their children with a French-y name, oui? But? Perhaps Annie was enamored with the name. Who am I to judge?

However as mentioned previously, Genevieve's name doesn't really "match" her siblings:

And unlike her 2 siblings ~ James Cornel and Henry Lewis ~ both of whom I've blogged about recently, her baptismal sponsors' names offer no clues as to the origins of any parts of her names:

  • Carolus Warren
  • Allen (Helena)

[However, her younger brother's middle name may come from ol' Carolus Warren. Maybe.]

Therefore, when I eventually jump across the pond to scour Irish parish records for an Annie O'Brien who was probably born in Dublin, Ireland; who was hopefully baptized there as well; and who is maybe the daughter of a James O'Brien, I need to keep in mind the following names while searching to help me to identify the correct person:

  • Genevieve
  • Jane
  • Joanna
  • Lennon

And then, of course, I need to keep in mind her older brother's name Henry which the origin of is unaccounted for by me.

Granted, Annie could have named her kids after neighbors, friends, pet cows, a character from her favorite book of poems [That is, if she had one.], etc. Anything is possible. But so is the fact that Annie may have used some names from her side of the family other than her father's name, James.

They are definitely clues to keep in mind.

Oh, and I'd be remiss at this point if I didn't mention the fact that in several records, Annie's middle initial is "J". Of course, this begs the question, "Jane or Joanna?" Or maybe something else entirely?

All very interesting, but still nothing to help me with my Daughters of the American Revolution and my United Empire Loyalists membership applications.

Just another reminder of a joyous birth of a baby girl to Daniel and Annie, my 2nd great grandparents.

View of a modern day Bolivar Peninsula - Galveston Island ferry. ©Copyright 2010 Caroline M. Pointer.

Another eventful ferry ride from Bolivar Point to Galveston Island, Texas.

A memorable trip to St. Joseph's Catholic Church ~ the first German Catholic church built in Texas and the oldest still-standing wooden building in Texas ~ where Jane or Joanna "Genevieve" Lennon Vaughan received her first of seven sacraments.

We can only guess as to how Daniel and Annie were feeling that day. Smiles?  Laughter? Tears of happiness? And if Genevieve's older brother, baby James, had already passed by this time, a bittersweet tear may have made its presence known. And did baby Genevieve cry as she was christened by Father Gurry [sp]?

We'll probably never know.

But one thing is for sure, my Great Aunt Genevieve.

I knew you were Genevieve.

And at the same time I knew you weren't.

I knew it, Genevieve.


Note: I'm in the process of getting all my records together in order to apply for membership into the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as the United Empire Loyalists. At the same time. With the same line. [Scandalous, I know.] And I've blogged about this quest previously. Also, when I ordered my great grandmother's baptismal record from the Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Archives, the archivist graciously sent me my great grandmother's siblings' baptismal records as well. [At least, the ones who were baptized within that diocese.] Therefore, I've been blogging about their records and the story they reveal: James Cornel, Henry Lewis, and now Genevieve. Next will be Viola Prudence, and then finally my great grandmother, Alice Florence, whose record is the one I needed in the first place. The genea-powers-that-be were quite generous, oui?

St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Galveston, Galveston County, Texas). Baptismal Registers. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Houston, Texas.
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  1. Oh my goodness, Caroline, you have a difficult one there :-) I'm not Roman Catholic, but don't the baptismal registers sometimes include the child's "Saint's Name", which they are not known by, but more "named after"? There seems to have been a St Genevieve, patron saint of Paris. Oh, and to complicate things, Henry and Harry are interchangeable in the UK ;-) Jo

  2. Jo, yes, they are named after saints, and that is something I will have to keep in mind as well while looking in Irish parish records. However, in this case, Genevieve is not used on her Baptismal Regsiter, but rather everywhere else. Because of this, I'm not sure if that was her "Saint's Name". Her baptismal name is Jane/Joanna Lennon Vaughan ~ not Genevieve.

    Because she seemingly used Daniel's sister's names as well as possibly her father's name when naming some of her children and because her youngest son, the informant on her death certificate, only supplies her father's name for her death certificate, it makes me wonder if she even knew her mother. Certainly at the time of her death, her youngest son could not recall his mother's mother's name. Suspicious, I think. But, then again, maybe not.

    Only time and records will tell. I hope.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, reading, and commenting. I really appreciate it! =)


  3. I'm sure you'll straighten it out! I've seen a lot of poor information on death certs - either the informant didn't know the deceased's parents' names, or they got mixed up and gave the wrong mother's maiden name (possibly the "other granny's"), add stress and grief to the mix and there is scope for all sorts of errors :-( Jo

  4. Hi Caroline, I have a thought on this gal's two names. Genevieve is a saint. Jane not so much. Could be that the priest insisted she have a saint's name for her baptismal name. Happened to my mother.

  5. Jo, indeed. I've seen a lot of misinformation on death certificates as well, which makes them possibly great clues, eh? Thanks for reading! ~C

    Kim, you could be right. Other than talking to descendants, I don't see how to resolve this, and it's not really all that high on my family to-do list as she is a sister to my great-grandmother, but I will keep all her names in mind as I look further into records for their mother, Annie. Thanks for reading and the suggestion! =) ~C


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