Friday, May 1, 2009

Public Svc: Blogger Problems?

O.K., here's the fix if you have a blog on and you aren't able to access it [error code: bx-rlezpk] or can't access Layout [error code: bx-m4v2gb]:

  1. If you have an error page, and there is no "header" thingy on top, but it says on it.
  2. Click on your "Dashboard" Link in top right hand corner.
  3. Should have list of your blog(s).
  4. Click on "Layout" of the blog you can't access.
  5. Click on "Edit HTML" - don't worry you're NOT going to touch your HTML...
  6. Scroll down to below the HTML window.
  7. Click on link:  "Revert widget templates to default". [This will NOT affect your layout.]
Now, not able to post or save drafts, etc.?
  1. Remove your Google adsense ad thingys for now [worked for me & probably why Blogger hasn't said anything, because they don't want you to do that.  Just my opinion...I don't blame 'em...]

Hope this works for you...not really a "techy" person as you can probably tell ;)



  1. I haven't been having any problems. knock on wood. But if I do I'll come back and re-read these instructions. Thanks for posting them.


  2. I haven't added Adsense so maybe that is why I haven't had any issues.
    Thank you for posting this. I too will refer back if I see any.



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