
Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's Going To Be a Great Day Today

It's going to be a great day today! Zig Ziglar, See You at the Top
I was brought up listening to Zig Ziglar motivational cassette tapes. Literally. My parents had the set of all 25 cassette tapes and his book, See You at the TopEvery car ride to just about anywhere ~ no matter who was in the car ~ was hosted by Zig Ziglar.

And my parents followed his advice {and then taught it to me}: to sit on the side of the bed upon waking every morning, to clap your hands, and tell yourself, "It's going to be a great day today!"

And then? They taped notes with the same message to their bathroom mirror so that as they got ready in the mornings they'd be reminded of what a great day today was going to be.

Did that mean every day turned out great?

Oh, hell no. My family has gone through a ton of personal crises, tragedies, and horrors over the years just like many other families. And just like many of our ancestors and yours.

The difference? The attitude. How you handle the situation. And when you start out your day telling yourself it's going to be a great day today, what you're really telling yourself is, "Not only am I gonna make it through today, but it's not gonna squash my attitude!"

I got this.

Bring it.

To say that this kind of thinking affected me as a child and as an adult is an understatement.

It gets me through those bad days.

It's the difference between the day running me and the me running the day.

My parents were an awesome example of how a positive attitude can completely change your life.

And while it saddens me that both my parents and Zig Ziglar have now passed away, I know they're all in Heaven. They're actually seeing each other "at the top." {Who knew he meant literally?!? LOL.}

They're clapping and saying,

"It's going to be a great day today!"

And you know what?

 It is. It really is.


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  1. I could do with some of that! Good on your Mum and Dad :-) Jo

  2. I was brought up on Zig's tapes too. I learned a lot from him over the years. Great post!


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