
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What's Up?

Yeah, I know. It's been a while since I last posted a family story. I've been a little busy trying to get my business off the ground, which is a story in and of itself. So here's what's been going on: 
  • I refocused my website and blog For Your Family Story [ ] to using technology for furthering your genealogy research and for sharing your research with others. And I've added a weekly newsletter as a wrap-up for the blog with additional news and an additional blog post that only subscribers receive. Oh, and I've doubled-up the blog posting on For Your Family Story. So, if you haven't already checked it out, I'd be honored if you would.
  • I'm also doing what they call a 'soft launch' of a new site, This site will focus on helping genealogy bloggers market their blogs for whatever their goals are for their blogs. Are you just interested in finding cousins? Or would you like to learn how to make a little passive income on your family history blog? Or are you a member of a genealogical society that either has a blog that needs optimizing or do they need help starting one? Or are you a professional genealogist who has a blog/site that needs some help in realizing its goals? The principles are generally the same. Therefore, this site will present blogging as well as social media concepts and provide suggestions to help you achieve your goals with your blog/site. Currently, you can sign up to be on the mailing list so that when we get going on the site, you won't miss anything.
  • I'm also the new Houston Genealogy Examiner columnist for While most articles will have a Houston tie-in, they will also demonstrate research methods and have tips for everyone ~ all in story format. [Who doesn't love a story? No one here. That's for sure. *snort* ] My audience includes the general public, and I'm breaking it down for the non-genealogists of the world. My goal is to get new people interested in their family history. So I'm inviting you to visit my columnist page, read my column, subscribe, have it delivered to you, and/or share it. Hopefully, you'll share it with some family members who are showing a mild interest in genealogy [You know. The ones that don't fall asleep or suddenly have something very urgent to do somewhere else as soon as you start talking about the dead people in the family.], and they'll like it. [Don't look at me like that. Stranger things have happened. *shrugs*]
  • I've also guest posted at a few places, and I'm inviting more. Need a guest post for your blog?Email me at cmpointer[at]gmail[dot]com, and lemme know. =)
  • And I'm participating in the Flip Pal Simple Gifts Blog Hop. Check out my VIDEO blog post. [That's right. I've gone Hollywood. *rollingeyesheavenward*]
I think that's it. Don't worry, tho'. I've got some family stories of my own that have been simmering on the back burner, and they're just about ready to be served up. 


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